Quick and Simple Curry

Preschedule oven to bake potatoes in the afternoon.Using a smart oven makes quick work of a Simple Curry that you can prepare and eat within 15 minutes of walking in the door after work or school.

The night before, scrub two potatoes (Russet, sweet, or one of each) and dry. Wrap in foil to save clean up time. Place the wrapped potatoes on a cookie sheet and schedule your oven temperature to 400° F, to bake for 1 hour, starting 1.5 hours before you expect to walk in the door. If your oven only works in 12 hour increments and you don’t want it to kick off at 4:30 a.m. rather than 4:30 p.m., place the potatoes in the oven and leave yourself a note to schedule the cook times before you leave in the morning.

After work, take the baked potatoes out of the oven, pull out a batch of your homemade Texas Thai curry paste and a can of coconut milk. Combine those ingredients in a pot and begin heating on medium high.

Peel your baked potatoes and slice into the curry. As soon as the curry comes to a boil, turn off the heat and serve over rice or grits. If you have two sets of hands in the kitchen, assign your cooking partner the rice or grits, and a side salad. If you are working alone, make a large batch of grits or rice earlier in the week to use over the course of several meals.
