Don’t print this list from the blog. The navigation menu on the blog is really long and this jacks with the printing. You’ll waste a lot of paper without getting everything on the list. Copy to Word or a text file and print from that.
Pantry Basics
- 1 loaf sliced bread (white or wheat)
- 1 jar peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
- 1 jar jam or preserves (grape, strawberry, or apricot)
- 1 box Ritz crackers
- 1 box Wheat Thins
- 1 box Triscuit
- 1 boxes cereal (Frosted Mini Wheats, Pops, Apple Jacks, or granola)
- 1 box granola
- 1 large container Greek-style yogurt, or 1 multi-pack yogurt cups, for breakfast (minimum 6 servings)
- 1 gallon milk (whole, 2%, 1%, skim, or soy)
- 8 oz or more block cheddar cheese to eat with apples or crackers
- 12 eggs
- 1 box Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
- 2 boxes Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie Mix with Hershey’s syrup
- 8 apples
- 8 pears
- 10-15 clementines (about 1 bag)
- 8 bananas (buy slightly green)
Ingredients for this Week’s Recipes
Canned Goods
Dairy, Refrigerator Section
Baking Aisle, Spices
Bread, Cereals, Coffee & Tea
Dried Beans, Rice, & Pasta
Frozen Foods
International Foods
Cleaning & Storage
- toilet paper (buy a minimum of 1 roll per person per week)
- 1 roll paper towels (if using as napkins with meals, buy two rolls)
- recycle your plastic grocery bags as trash can liners or buy can liners
- air freshener for bathroom and kitchen
- quart-size and gallon-size Zip-loc bags