These are the meals you will cook your second week. There are 5 main dishes. Once again, wing it for weekends, breakfast, and lunch. Keep building your confidence that you can continue preparing home-cooked food without taking a lot of time by using box mixes and even some frozen food. Tip: you will be using a lot of rice this week. Since there is a lot of rice in the Week Two Shopping List, take some time on Sunday and cook up all 4 or 6 bags of rice. Store in a few gallon ziploc bags until you need them for your meals each night.
- Dirty Rice
- Chalupas (vegetarian tacos on flat corn tortilla shells)
- Thai Peanut Chicken
- Spinach
- Kroger tempura style Mandarin Orange Chicken
- Gumbo
- more Brownies (try adding in 2-3 chopped candy bars like Snickers, Hershey’s, or even Reese’s Pieces)