Menus and Recipes

The right recipe helps you build your confidence in the kitchen, while providing sustenance for your body.

Why learn to cook?  Providing everyday meals for yourself is both necessary for independent living and satisfying for your soul.  Knowing you can prepare good food that you like  helps cut eating-out expenses and assists you in better preparing and sticking to a budget.

Allow yourself room for crazy days that just don’t lend themselves to your original weekly plans by keeping a jar of spaghetti sauce and a package of pasta in your pantry at all times.

Each weekly menu page has links for the recipes of the week. There is a matching shopping list for each week and it includes everything you need to prepare that week’s recipes, plus sandwich fixings for lunch and basic breakfast foods.  Each week’s menu, recipes, and shopping lists have been used for a family of four and the prices at Fiesta are consistently about $50-65 per person for a group of four roommates each week. (when the blog began, the cost of groceries for the same recipes ran $40 per person per week).  Vegetarian options are included in each week’s menus.

and so on.